Prof. Dr. M. Azizur Rahman

Founder of Uttara University

Contractionary Monetary Policy, Credit Control and Inflation

Contractionary Monetary Policy, Credit Control and Inflation is a very
important agenda of the government for its recent discussion in coordination
with the country’s current fiscal policy object. The purpose of monetary policy
is to enhance the economic growth, GDP, GNP, per-capita income, employment
creation, equitable distribution of employment and national income between
poor and rich, man and woman, old and young, geographical regions in the
North-South and East-West areas of the country and tribal people in a hilly area.
National economic objective include poverty alleviation and achieving a good
life and living. Another objective is to maintain a favourable balance of trade
(BOT) and balance of payment (BOP). The above objective can be achieved
through an expansionary fiscal and monetary policy in a very coordinated
manner. The specific objective of contractionary monetary policy is to control
credit and inflation. [gview file=””]