Prof. Dr. M. Azizur Rahman

Founder of Uttara University

Environment: Dhaka and surroundings

Bangladesh is the most populated country in the world, where 950 people live per
square kilometer. Dhaka is the most densely populated city of the country. The
population of Dhaka is about 1 crore and 25 lacs which is double of the population
of Singapore of 60 lacs. In Bangladesh 75% people live in villages while 25% live
in towns. Rural to Urban migration is increasing every day. The rate of
urbanization in Bangladesh is relatively more than that of our neighboring country
India. The density of our city population does not decrease due to Rural-to-Urban
migration. The main reasons for this are the lack of employment, trade and
commerce and the related facilities for the life and living in villages. The problem
of housing in Dhaka has always been increasing. To solve this housing problem is
vital and essential for the city dwellers and for Dhaka in particular. Environment in
a city means a vvariety of things.[gview file=””]