Prof. Dr. M. Azizur Rahman

Founder of Uttara University

Private University: A Culture of Higher Education in Bangladesh

The private university Act is one of the significant and a very effective measure of
the past political governments. During the B.N.P government the private university
Act was passed in 1992. The Awami-league government had amended this Act in
1998. Nobody thought, in 16 years from 1992 to 2008, private university would
gradually attain the capability of giving guidance and applying authority in higher
education sector. But in reality it happened. In the history of higher education in
Bangladesh the private universities within a very short time were able to establish a
significant contribution. At least 50 private universities have so far been
established since 1992. As a result, a pressing competitive environment persists in
higher education sector. The students of ours interested in higher education are
gaining knowledge by stepping down in this competition. The private universities
are compelled to enhance the quality of education with a view to surviving in this
competitive situation. They have decreased the rate of tuition fees of the students
and taken up the initiative to give quality education at affordable expenses with a
hope to get more students and cope with the competition.

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