Prof. Dr. M. Azizur Rahman

Founder of Uttara University

Equitable distribution of income

By birth human beings are discriminated; some are well-off, some are partially
well-off and some are poor. Among the poor community a large section is poor by
birth. It is not an offence. They are also human beings. God has created them with
physical and mental power. The society is historically obliged on humanitarian
ground to rescue them from such unfortunate situation of ill fed. The poor also
possess talent and physical strength. We should try to provide the poor with food,
cloth, housing, education and health care. We should cultivate the culture of
improving the talents of the poor children by providing them with nutrition and
formal and informal education. So we should come forward with poverty
alleviation programme. Such programmes have been recognized socially politically
economically and historically in various forms at different times. For example
towards the end of thirteenth century, The Emperor Ashok, Babar Akbar and
Humayun supplied food for the poor from their storages. In religion there is a
provision of giving Zakat and monetary help so that the poor could add to their
income. But because of lack of specific law and enforcement of law Zakat is not
practiced that way. According to political economy poverty alleviation and
equitable distribution of national income are associated with economic
development religion and humanity. And the equitable distribution of income is as
strong as the frame of law to develop a country.

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