Prof. Dr. M. Azizur Rahman

Founder of Uttara University

Essentials at reasonable Price

Man is by birth selfish. There are two aspects of selfishness. One of them is
positive and the other is negative. Human societies go forward to development by
exercising positive selfishness. On the other hand, negative selfishness pushes man
to corruption and terrorism. Even if we exclude selfish people and their over
ambition, common people want food, cloth, housing, education and health-care at
reasonable prices. In brief, it can be said that common people want their necessities
at reasonable prices. For that the government should have proper monitoring over
open market economy to maximize the market competition. I am through this
article presenting the importance of creating competitive market with a view to
supplying commodities to general people by creating an open market system.
In order to get commodities at a reasonable price, competitive and close-to
competitive market system is a must where there will be more producers, suppliers,
buyers and sellers. Profit earners will not be able to increase prices of essentials in
the name of sellers. They would not have any influence on prices. They can sell
goods at only existing market price. If any seller demands more price the buyer
can buy from other instead of first seller.

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